Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tune in my head - Big mystery of my life Solved!

You know how irritating it gets when a song gets stuck in your head? Well, I've had an instrumental tune stuck in my head for as long as I could remember and I've always wanted to know what it's called. Only thing is, where does one even begin? How do you search the Internet for a song, when you don't know what it's called? Do I walk up to a music major, clumsily hum the tune and hope that he or she recognises it? Sigh.

The tune in question actually used to freak me out a bit as a child. It used to play on TV during a British art programme that I used to watch as a child. I didn't really like the show, it was kind of boring and I found it a bit disturbing for some reason, but I watched it a lot anyway because there wasn't much to see on TV in those days.

In the past few months, I've been positively "dying" to know what the tune's called. About a year or so ago, I heard it playing in a restaurant, and I was very close to asking the waitress to find out what song was playing on the CD. I resisted, however, as I thought it was a weird thing to ask.

Then, yesterday, I found myself wide awake late at night, perhaps due to the fact that I'm in the final throes of shrugging off my jet lag, and I felt like I really needed to know what the song was called - or else! I told myself that I should go to sleep and search for it the next day. 

So this afternoon, I suddenly remembered that I must search for the song. Not knowing where to begin, I Googled "dum dum da da dum," which wasn't very successful. Then I remembered that the song was part of a British telvision art programme. I tried Googling "British art television programme 1980s" and the search led me to "Vision On" on Wikipedia. I recognised the little bug creature (see below) in the article, and I knew I had to be on the right track.


I then Googled Vision On's host Tony Hart, and when I saw what he looked like, I instantly knew that I knew him. Deja vu! His face and glimpses of his show are deeply embedded in my childhood psyche! As I looked through the show's soundtrack list, a song title jumped right at me - "Cavatina." Something inside me shouted "That's it!" and I quickly tried to find a sample of the song online to confirm my unexplainable intuition.

I'm happy to report, that just a few minutes shy of 4.00pm today, the mystery that has bewildered me for so long has been solved! Ladies and gents, I present to you... Cavatina! (just scroll down to the song title). I'll try to find a video of the song being played on YouTube later and post it here.

*Big sigh of relief* This is one of the weirdest things that have happened to me, ever.

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