last week's Weekly Project, Art House Co-op asked us to "Take a picture of the view outside of your favorite window." Feeling rather bad that I didn't participate in the first Weekly Project, which was to make a fountain in your kitchen sink, I made a submission. I'm very happy to report that I'm one of around 65 people from all around the world that sent in a photo. Here's my snapshot:

Caption: "This is a view of the playground opposite my living room window. I took this picture right after arriving home from work, which is my favourite time of day. The sky was nice and clear that day, none of the usual smog and haze."
You can see all the submissions from last week
here. This
week, we've been asked to "create a monster or creature out of the items in/on your desk." Things is, my office mates and I have just been asked to clear our desks in preparation for a renovation.
The guideline is that we have to use things that are currently in or on our desks.. hmmm... maybe I can use the stuff that I've already packed away in boxes. But, maybe that's cheating... Aiyah! I must submit somehow!!
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