I saw the Lola by Marc Jacobs perfume bottle (in miniature) from a distance some time ago and instantly fell in love with it. I mean.. just look at it...

Image from Beautiful Makeup Search
Sigh.. it's bloody perfume poetry! Having developed a penchant for petite perfume bottles quite recently, I quickly signed up to be a mini perfume dealer :) Now I'm a proud owner of a mini Lola perfume bottle. Squeee! Then Marc Jacobs came out with an update of his iconic perfume, which he dubbed Oh, Lola! The bottle? Just as breathtaking...
Dakota Fanning was chosen to be the face of the Oh, Lola! campaign, and while I've seen a couple of beautiful shots of her with these beautiful perfume bottles, I thought this one was too provocative...
I mean... I think the bottle should be resting 'on' her leg, instead of between her legs. I found out later that I'm not the only one who thought the image was a bit distasteful. The UK is banning it, apparently, saying it's too racy. The makers of the perfume say "it's provoking, but not indecent" and Marc Jacobs himself issued a statement in defense of the ad. I adore Marc Jacobs' designs, as well as Dakota Fanning, and I don't really think they purposely wanted to create controversy, but in the end controversy sells and Mr Jacobs can probably expect sales of Oh, Lola! to boom in a bit.
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