One of my biggest highlights of 2017 was the publication of this book, Batik Terengganu: Heritage of Today for Tomorrow, in which I wrote a few articles and assisted with pre-editing. It was a labour of love several years in the making for me alongside two amazing and inspirational women, my mentor Raja Datin Paduka Fuziah binti Raja Tun Uda & my sister from another mother Erna Dyanty 💟 Alhamdulillah it has become a reality. Thank you Erna for delivering this to me, with thoughtful gifts from Mak Engku (a note, a Pyrex bowl and mini perfume - my favourites!) Thank you Department of Museums Malaysia for publishing it. Alhamdulillah I am thankful for such amazing people in my life. I am grateful to be able to continue my passion in writing about the arts even though I have left the museum world and work from home. #passionproject #batikterengganu #writerslife #amazingfriends

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